Improvements of facilities at some of the popular tourist attractions in Iceland have been lagging behind the increased number of visitors over recent years. Even if this has been obvious forsome time, the government and municipal funding has been limited. This might seem strange when increased taxes from the country‘s vibrant tourism pour as never before into the state andmunicipal coffers.
Designated to financing improvements and maintenance at these sites, the government intends to levy a ‘Nature Pass’ on all visitors to Iceland as of 2015. The amount and the method of thistaxation is still unclear.
Independently landowners at some of the more popular sites in Iceland, are beginning to collect entrance fees from visitors. In the South, a fee of ISK 350 iscollected at Kerið and a collection of an ISK 600 fee is beginning at the Geysir hot spring area. Other locations all around Iceland may follow suit. However, it is not clear if such privateinitiative will lead to any on-site improvements. Legal issues concerning collection of such fees are unclear as land is often jointly owned, and even partly public land.
It must be hoped that the need for basic and well maintained facilities will be resolved with a unified solution, agreeable to all concerned.
Here you can read the statement of the Icelandic Tourist Industry Association (SAF) regarding the issue: